Paradise Seeds/ feminisiert 10er/ Vertigo

Artikelnummer: 07-06-5181-VA

Type: Autoflowering Indica /Sativa Yield: 500 grams per m2 indoors. Outdoors 75 grams per plant. Lifecycle: from seed to harvest, approx. 60 days indoors and max. 70 days outdoors. Outdoors in colder regions Northern latitude: Start in May/ June and finish in July/ August. In warmer areas multitple harvests are possible. In tropical areas the whole year round. Effect: heavy potent Aroma /Taste: citric intense bouquet THC: 15-18 %

Kategorie: Paradise Seeds


65,00 €

inkl. 13% USt. , versandfreie Lieferung (Standard)

Lieferzeit wird bekannt gegeben

Lieferzeit: 16 - 17 Werktage


Vertigo is one of our latest varieties. It originates from a fine Indica/ Sativa hybrid, which is chosen for its splendid characteristics, its fruity intense flavor, and fast to finish growth. 3 generations of breeding resulted in stable uniform plants. The flowers are coated in resin and as potent as auto flowering strains can get.Auto flowering potential has only been discovered a few years ago, but until now has not been developed to its full. With Vertigo we believe we showcase that it is possible to have very high quality medicinal marihuana in an automatic variety. These plants can reach the height of 1 meter or taller. It has a strong effect. An impressive production of resinous citric fruity aromatic flowers. A fast to finish variety, in approximately 60 days excellent for commercial growers

Seeds - Eigenschaften: autoflowering
Seeds Packungseinheit: 10 Stk 10 Stk

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