T.H. Seeds, Chocolate Chunk, feminized, 2

Artikelnummer: 07-01-0805-VA-001

Chocolate Chunk
Sativa/Indica ? Pure Indica
Days- 50-60 days
Yield- 400-500 psm

Kategorie: TH-Seeds


25,00 €

inkl. 13% USt. , zzgl. Versand (Standard)

Lieferzeit wird bekannt gegeben

Lieferzeit: 7 - 8 Werktage

The legendary Chocolate Chunk is finally back in feminized form. With a definitive Kush bottom this pure Indica will melt in your mouth and stick to your hands. Thick, deep-green leaves and fat dense buds will make every trip to the grown room feel like you found the golden ticket. Chocolate Chunk is quite easy to grow due to its quick flowering time and ?single cola? growth pattern. Grow this out and you will feel like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Chunk factory. Smoke this and you will be flying high in the Chocolate Chunk Wonkavator.

Chocolate Chunk
Sativa/Indica ? Pure Indica
Days- 50-60 days
Yield- 400-500 psm

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